Nexthon could possibly have meetings with the clients in order to set specific objectives of the destined project and confirm that all the people who are going to work on it have the same understanding of the expected result.

Our approach
Here's how Nexthon might adapt the general project planning strategies to its specific workflow:

Project Definition and Requirements
Nexthon might schedule meetings with clients to brainstorm with them concerning the development goals they have for a particular project in order to establish a common understanding. They might use user stories that are short descriptions of the features from the users’ view point, and acceptance criteria that specifies what a feature should be doing to considered finished. Also, Nexthon could incorporate the use of interactive prototypes to provide stakeholders with the modeling of the dynamic features and to collect their opinions from the preliminary stages.

Project Scoping and Planning
It would be possible for Nexthon’s internal team to reflect on the requirements gathered to determine through feasibility analysis, if there are any barriers to the execution, or if some of the requirements are ambiguous. In the case of Nexthon, an Agile process such as Scrum can be adopted where the requirements are packaged in convenient ‘Sprints’ with set objectives and outcomes. It might also be useful for Nexthon to retain a list of resources, especially developers, with varying skills to ensure that they are well deployed where they are most required in the various projects.

Scheduling and Task Management
Nexthon most probably has a proprietary system of project management where tasks are created, assigned, tracked and managed concerning deadlines. Other activities that they could implement are daily stand-up meetings where a team shares daily accomplishments, problems faced, and implies that everyone is on the same page.

Risk Management and Communication
The specific practice that Nexthon might use for threat modeling is to identify the risks which could interfere with the software and its security. It could have a schedule on when client should be updated on the progress made, risks faced and possibly ways of mitigating them.
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Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum.